Consulting Agreement
New Jersey
What to look for in a consulting agreement?
I have been given a consulting agreement to sign by a potential client and want to learn the things I should be looking for to make sure I am protected and not getting into a contract I dont' want to get into. Are there any terms that are most important?
1 Attorney answer
New Jersey
Angela Y.
ContractsCounsel verified
In general, consulting agreements are independent contractor agreements, which in their most basic forms are someone is paying you "x" amount for work that you do with limited or no benefits (i.e. you're not an employee). Important sections include the services section (i.e. what you are doing for them), compensation, restrictive covenants (non-competes, etc.), work product and ownership or work product, and termination. Other important sections depend on what type of services you are providing and the types of risks inherent to those services.