Real Estate
Commercial Lease
How is the lease renewed at the end of the lease term?
I am a small business owner who recently signed a three-year commercial lease for my business. I am looking to understand the process of renewing the lease at the end of the three-year term. I am interested in learning more about the process, the timeline, and what I need to do to ensure that I can continue to operate my business at this location.
1 Attorney answer
Real Estate
Paul S.
ContractsCounsel verified
If your lease has a renewal option, then you renew by following that process, which involves giving notice during the specified time frame. If you did not include a renewal option in your lease, then you'll need to contact the landlord 6-12 months before the end of the term, and inform the landlord that you want to renew the lease. Then you'll have to negotiate the terms with the landlord.