Real Estate
Purchase And Sale Agreement
When to sign a purchase and sale agreement?
I am in the process of purchasing a property and need to know when I should sign the purchase and sale agreement. I have been given an offer from the seller and have been told that I need to sign the agreement in order to move forward with the purchase. I am concerned about signing the agreement too soon and have questions about the timing and what risks I may be taking if I sign before I am sure I am ready.
1 Attorney answer
Real Estate
Myrna L.
ContractsCounsel verified
If you are not ready to buy a property, it is only fair not to waste sellers’ time who are trying to sell their property. If, however, you are ready to buy a property but is concerned about unforeseeable risks, you can mitigate or eliminate your risks by spelling out contingencies in your Purchase and Sales Agreement. If the conditions or contingencies are not met, you do not have to go through with the deal.