Federal Trademark Application (one classification, mark already in use)
10-day delivery
What's included:
Consultation/discussion of your business' goals
Conducting a knockout search that covers the USPTO database, all 50 states' (and Puerto Rico's) Secretary of State websites, major search engines, major news outlets, and social media to make determinations on any potentially competing marks
Delivering a memo to you summarizing the knockout search results and your trademark's position in the national market
Meeting where we discuss the memo and your next steps (whether you're ready to file, would like to file under a different name/classification, etc.)
[If filing] Drafting the Trademark application and discussing it once more before filing
Filing the application
Waiting for the Examiner to respond (possibly six months or longer)
Corresponding with the USPTO about certain office actions related to the status of the application
[If the mark registers] E-delivery of the trademark registration to you
NOTE: Prices will vary if you require additional classifications for your mark, have not yet used the mark in commerce, need assistance responding to USPTO office actions unrelated to the status of the trademark application, etc.
Word and Logo Mark Combo Deal: 2x Federal Trademark Applications (one classification each, marks already in use)
10-day delivery
What's included:
Consultation/discussion of your business' goals
Conducting a knockout search that covers the USPTO database, all 50 states' (and Puerto Rico's) Secretary of State websites, major search engines, major news outlets, and social media to make determinations on any potentially competing marks
NOTE: Prices will vary if you require additional classifications for your marks, have not yet used the marks in commerce, need assistance responding to USPTO office actions unrelated to the status of the trademark applications, etc.
Delivering a memo to you summarizing the knockout search results and your trademarks' position in the national market
Meeting where we discuss the memo and your next steps (whether you're ready to file, would like to file under a different name/classification, etc.)
[If filing] Drafting the Trademark applications and discussing them once more before filing
Filing the applications
Waiting for the Examiner to respond (possibly six months or longer)
Corresponding with the USPTO about certain office actions related to the status of the application
[If the marks register] E-delivery of the trademark registrations to you