Real Estate
Lien on house
Trying to sell home. My title company having issue settling the debt. Title company contact loan to payoff, but no record of my property was found. Only past owner current home is on the loan. Quit Deed was done 2012. In 2015 past owner loan was passed to a different company who record in Florida my parcel number. So basically I can't pay loan off because my home is not attached to her loan. I still can't clear title because lien was recorded 2015 in Fl court house, but The past owner was no longer on deed. Looking to hire a lawyer to clear title, so I can sell my home.
1 Attorney answer
Real Estate
Michael T.
ContractsCounsel verified
This sounds complicated enough that you need a lawyer to get involved. Do you have a title insurance "owner's policy"? If so, that might get you a free lawyer (I can't tell from the facts you presented whether that will work). Also, you've tagged this question as a Virginia question, but you mention the lien being recorded in Florida. You need an experienced lawyer in the jurisdiction in which the property is located. If the house is in Virginia, you need a Virginia lawyer; if in Florida, you need a Florida lawyer. If it's a lien on Virginia property from a Florida judgment, then you need a Virginia lawyer, because that's where the property is located.