Noncompete Agreement
Noncompete agreement termination options?
I recently left my job after signing a Noncompete Agreement. I am looking for a new job, but I am concerned about the restrictions in the Noncompete Agreement and how it might affect my ability to find a new job. I am looking for advice on my options for terminating or modifying the Noncompete Agreement so that I can find a new job without having to worry about any potential legal repercussions.
1 Attorney answer
Merry A.
ContractsCounsel verified
I am a WA State employment attorney. If you didn’t receive anything in return for signing the non-compete, it may be relatively easy to get out of it. If, however, you signed in return for something, such as a severance package, it will be challenging to get out of the agreement. However, many non-compete agreements are written overly broadly and may not be enforceable under the laws of WA and other states. You may want to consult with a WA State employment attorney for a review of the documents and law(s) of the state(s) where you may want to work or set up a business. (A WA State attorney can only provide legal advice in WA, but can help you find applicable law/case decisions for other states but without providing anything beyond information, much like a law librarian).